Experts in: 2000 A.D. - Present
Auxiliaire de recherche (étudiante), Doctorante
Professeure associée, Professeure émérite, Chercheuse
- Social policies
- Public Policy
- Comparative politics
- Political behaviour
- Citizenship
- Americas
- Western Europe
- Human development
- Canada
- Modern Times
- Europe
- Latin America
- Comparative government
- History of ideas
- 1945-1989
- 1989-2000
- 2000 A.D. - Present
- Liberalism
- Social and political theory
- International organizations
- Social movements
- European Union
PILLOD, Alizée
Auxiliaire de recherche (étudiante), Doctorante
- Environmental policy
- International relations
- COVID-19
- Public policies
- Political communication
- Mass media
- Canada
- Canada (Québec)
- 2000 A.D. - Present
ZAHAR, Marion
Auxiliaire d'enseignement (étudiant/e), Doctorante