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/ Département de science politique

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En plus d'être le pays des Caraïbes le plus favorisé par le tourisme canadien, mais aussi celui qui a été le plus touché par la tragédie s’étant...
Mardi 22 septembre, 11h45 à 13h45 sur Zoom  
“Learn about the relationship between truth and beauty, how data and facts on their own do not represent complete truth, and how applying design...
L'identité blanche est un concept peu étudié dans la politique canadienne. Dans cet exposé, nous décrivons les contours de l'identité canadienne...
Les canons des «grands» intellectuels ancrent l’histoire et la portée des disciplines universitaires. Au sein des relations internationales (RI), un...
In recent decades, liberal democracies have considerably expanded the scope for citizen participation. Citizens are called to take part in a growing...
Does the populist radical right benefit from increased electoral mobilization? This article contributes to understanding radical right success by...
How accurate is the public in reporting past vote choice? Survey researchers often record this vote recall measure, which informs popular voting...
In this paper, I aim at methodologically defining and testing a new measure of opinion constraint, i.e. individuals’ capacity to connect their...
One of the core assumptions of models of democratic representation is that parties respond dynamically to shifts in public opinion. Reassuringly,...