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Revisiting EU-Africa Relations in a Changing World

Édité par Mamoudou Gazibo et Valeria Fargion (Professeure associée en science politique, Jean Monnet Chair, University of Florence, Italie)

This timely book explores the current state of EU-Africa relations from a multidisciplinary perspective, placing emphasis on recent developments in five areas that are crucial for EU-Africa relations: development cooperation, trade, migration, security and democratization. It considers how Africa’s dependence on the EU has decreased due to the declining importance of development cooperation, and increasing cooperation with emerging powers, notably the BRIC nations. 


The book asks two key questions in relation to these areas: first, whether the EU effectively pursues a forward-looking strategy suggested in the official discourse or is following a strategy that still reflects asymmetrical postcolonial relations; and second, whether Africa will be able to push for a more balanced relationship with Europe by using the leverage provided by emerging powers. To answer these questions, expert contributors explore the impact of African migration on the domestic policy of EU member states, security and conflict resolution in Africa, EU trade policy and African economic development, and how local dynamics and international pressures affect democratisation in Africa. 


Valeria Fargion et Mamoudou Gazibo, 2021. Revisiting EU-Africa Relations in a Changing World. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing 


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