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Vahid Yücesoy analyse le futur des manifestations iraniennes

Dans un article pour le World Politics Review, le doctorant Vahid Yücesoy explique pourquoi l’Iran est susceptible de subir une intensification des manifestations dans le futur. Il souligne notamment la répression intense de la part du régime en place, et le rejet du statu quo par les manifestants.


EXTRAIT : Iran’s rulers are confident that they can weather future unrest with their usual playbook. But both the demonstrations of late 2017 and early 2018, and the latest ones this month, are reminders of how quickly Iranians can mobilize mass protests. Continuous repression only increases the likelihood of uniting different Iranians—working-class and middle-class, all with their own grievances—against the Islamic Republic itself. If a more coherent protest movement forms along those lines, it could potentially trigger a schism within the military and security forces.


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