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Tristan Boursier analyse l’histoire du féminisme et des antiféminismes

Dans une recension de l’ouvrage « Antiféminismes et masculinismes d’hier et d’aujourd’hui » (Christine Bard, Mélissa Blais, et Francis Dupuis-Déri, dir.), le doctorant Tristan Boursier explique le développement des antiféminismes et les stratégies adoptées par le contre-mouvement.


EXTRAIT : Antifeminist discourses have adapted to the strategies of feminists, influencing feminists in return and directing their efforts towards the deconstruction of the new post-feminist, masculinist or straight rhetorics. Thus, antifeminists are above all united by their shared battles—against women present on social networks, groups defending abused women, divorced mothers, etc.—which sometimes serve as a convergence point for their hatreds by combining multiple oppressive discourses (p. 203). This plurality of antifeminism leads the contributors to focus on the discursive strategies, in order to better capture the characteristics and transformations of this discourse in each context. Although this work is deliberately broad, which allows it to tackle and connect very different subjects to show the extent and diversity of antifeminism, it would have been interesting to see a closer focus on themes that seem central in the study of contemporary antifeminists: post-feminist discourses, the effects of antifeminists on feminists, or how division among feminists weakens the movement.


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