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Fernando Feitosa et Carol Galais publient un article sur le devoir civique de voter

Fernando Feitosa, doctorant en science politique, et Carol Galais, ancienne postdoctorante au département, ont publié un nouvel article dans l’International Journal of Public Opinion Research, intitulé «How Stable is the Sense of Civic Duty to Vote? A Panel Study on the Individual-Level Stability of the Attitude». Ils s’intéressent au devoir civique vis-à-vis du vote et à la stabilité de ce ressenti.


EXTRAIT : “Work that includes civic duty among the predictors of electoral participation has generally assumed that civic duty is antecedent to turnout; as such, it affects voting behavior rather than being affected by it. Some studies challenge that view, arguing that, in fact, when asked in the context of a survey, individuals rationalize their perception of the duty to vote based on their previous participation, or not, in elections (Dowding, 2005; Matsusaka & Palda, 1999). In this study, we assess the temporal stability of the sense of civic duty and, by doing so, evaluate whether the public’s perception of civic duty does constitute a plausible antecedent to voting or not.”


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