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André Blais commente la participation aux élections irlandaises de 2020

Dans une entrevue pour le Irish Times, le professeur André Blais s’exprime sur les prévisions de participation aux élections irlandaises qui se tiendront en février 2020. Le chercheur explique qu’il est possible que le jour de vote ait un effet sur le type d’électeur et le taux de participation.


EXTRAIT : “I think the evidence on this is pretty ambiguous,” he said. “My own view, at this point of time, is that there isn’t much impact. Different studies have come up with different results and my own position is that it has very little effect.”


He added: “The main reason people decide to vote is really how interested they are in the election, whether they have a feeling of duty or not to vote. I think it is mostly about motivation.


“Also, when it is on a weekend, it has advantages and disadvantages. Advantages are people have more time. But disadvantages may include people planning other activities.”


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