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André Blais co-écrit un article intitulé « Religiosité ou racisme? Les bases de l'opposition au logement religieux au Québec »

Est-ce que les Québécois sont plus défavorables face aux accommodements religieux que le reste des Canadiens ? Si oui, est-ce que cette disposition est basée sur une antipathie raciale ? Éléments de réponse dans un article co-écrit par André Blais et ses collègues dans Nations and Nationalism. 



« Though Canada is internationally lauded for the success of its multiculturalism policies, debates about immigrant integration have arisen in recent years. These debates have turned on the extent to which religion should be accommodated in the public sphere. They have also been disproportionately concentrated in the French‐speaking province of Quebec. This paper asks whether this disproportionality is due to the Quebec population being particularly unfavourable to religious accommodation and, if so, whether this disfavour is grounded in racial antipathy toward newcomers or in the province's unique religious history. « 


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