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/ Département de science politique

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Problem-oriented policing and the rule of law in Latin America : overview and reflections

For the past twenty years, problem-oriented policing reforms have been designed and implemented in Latin America to reduce continually growing crime and violence rates. These measures aim to tackle the problem of insecurity by preventing (instead of repressing) and by addressing the underlying causes of criminality (rather than solving one crime at a time). Thus, this approach seems to fall within the principles of the rule of law, particularly because the respect of human rights and the involvement of the community are at their core.

This event proposes to discuss and assess the impact of two decades of this public security enforcement model shift, specifically in relation to the rule of law in Latin America.

Le mercredi 8 novembre  à 16h :

Conférencier d'honneur : Graham Denyer Willis

Le jeudi 9 novembre : de 10h à 18h

Panel 1 - Public security policies, governance and the rule of law in Latin America
Panel 2 - Problem-oriented policing reforms as a response to violence and "insecurity" ( I )
Panel 3 - Problem-oriented policing reforms as a response to violence and "insecurity" ( II )

Un cocktail clôturera le colloque

Emplacement : Université de Montréal, 3150 Jean-Brillant, pav. Lionel-Groulx, Carrefour des arts et des sciences, C3061