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Conférence “How to survive (and thrive) in academia: a practical guide”, par Mirya Holman (Tulane University)

Academic life is often very stressful, filled with seemingly never-ending work. Perfectionism, over-prepping for instruction, and too much service all limit our productivity. It does not have to be that way! You can make concrete changes to your approach that will reduce your stress and increase your productivity. I will discuss practical methods of managing your workload, writing (a lot), and maintaining work-life balance. Come to workshop with a to-do list and your calendar or planner.


Contactez pour rejoindre la conférence sur Zoom.


Organisé par la Chaire de recherche en études électorales et la Chaire de recherche du Canada en démocratie électorale.


DATE : jeudi 7 mai, 13h-14h