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Conférence : « Eleven Theses on Migration and Citizenship in the Capitalist State » avec Lea Ypi (McGill)

For much of the past century, the expansion of the political franchise and the related exercise of political rights meant that citizenship had the potential of being a vehicle of political emancipation. Democratic citizenship was essential to opposing capitalism with radical social reforms; it was one of the cornerstones of egalitarian policy for social democrats around the world. Contemporary trends in the admission of immigrants illustrate that citizenship has become once more increasingly selective, a good to be bought, sold or denied at the will of political elites, accessible once again along class lines. In light of these trends, I argue that citizenship has turned from a vehicle of politicalemancipationtooneofsocialoppression. Ifocusoncontemporarypracticesof migrant integration and try to show how they are instrumental to consolidating the oligarchical character of the capitalist state and to entrenching its class divisions.


Évènement organisé par le Groupe de Recherche Interuniversitaire en Philosophie Politique (GRIPP)


Accéder à l’évènement :

Emplacement : McGill University, Salle 160, Arts Building, 853 rue Sherbrooke Ouest