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/ Département de science politique

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Conférence - Democratic experience matters twice: the cross-national and longitudinal effect of democracy on winner/loser gaps in political trust

The dynamics between partisan groups, particularly in the context of competition that produces winners and losers, play a pivotal role in understanding the variations and evolving trends in political trust across nations. First, the findings from this analysis provide robust evidence that legacies of non-democratic governance exert a profound influence on the disparity in political trust between winners and losers. Moreover, the study highlights the critical importance of the quality of democracy in shaping levels of trust once democracy is established, especially in countries emerging from non-democratic regimes. These insights underline the essential need for more than just free and fair elections to bridge the gap in trust between the electoral winners and losers. Addressing historical injustices and safeguarding minority rights emerge as key strategies for mitigating the impact of this divide on trust within contemporary democratic societies.

Cette série de conférences est financée par le Centre pour l¹étude de la Citoyenneté démocratique lui-même financé par le Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC).

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Date : 2 mai 2024, 15h00 à 17h00 

Emplacement : C-5143, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx