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Atelier : « Unraveling Affective Polarization » avec James Druckman (Northwestern University)

The American public has become increasingly affectively polarized – that is, more than ever, Republicans dislike Democrats and Democrats dislike Republicans. While this over-time trend is clear, many questions remain unanswered. If partisans go too far—and become highly uncivil—does it counteract affective polarization trends? Do people dislike the other party’s voters as much as the other party’s elites? And just how much does partisan animus spillover into everyday non-political decisions? How does this spillover compare and/or interact with racial discrimination? This talk will address each of these questions by presenting distinct studies on each.


La conférence sera diffusée en direct sur la page suivante :


Organisé par le Centre pour l'étude de la citoyenneté démocratique (CÉCD)


Plus d’information :

Emplacement : Salle C-6070-9, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx