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A Nation among nations and all Nations under God.

Par Helmut Walser Smith - Conférence du CCEAE/IRTG

Une conférence de Helmut Walser Smith, Martha Rivers Ingram Professor of History, Vanderbilt University. La conférence sera donnée en anglais.

La Chaire de recherche du Canada en études allemandes et européennes, le Centre canadien d’études allemandes et européennes (CCEAE) et le IRTG "Diversity", ont le plaisir de vous inviter chaleureusement à la conférence suivante :

This presentation, drawn from the forthcoming work, Finding Germany : Nation Before, During, and After Nationalism, 1500-2000, explores how a mapped sense of Germany deepened in the context of the religious division brought about by the Reformation. It contends that seeing, describing, and mapping Germany—its expanses, cities, and nature—became a vast undertaking closely associated with a spiritual home between warring religious parties. Mapping Germany happened in the place in-between, with those who had become weary of religious polemics, war, and discord. Far from implying aggression against neighboring countries, nation was a space of imagined Christian comity. Jews were largely excluded, however. The paper also explores the links between the first modern conceptions of Germany as a two-dimensional nation space and the concurrent expulsions of Jews from German cities.

Emplacement : Pavillon 3744 Jean-Brillant, Salle 580-31