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Johannes Müller Gómez publie un article sur la rivalité entre le Parlement européen et le Conseil européen

Le doctorant Johannes Müller Gómez a publié un article dans la revue Integration. Avec son co-auteur Wulf Reiners, il analyse la compétition systémique et institutionnelle entre le Parlement européen et le Conseil européen.


RESUME: The European Parliament and the European Council have been considered the two winners of the Lisbon Treaty reforms. Through their different structure and democratic legitimacy, the institutions can be understood as the antipodes in a bipolar system. Their struggle for political orientation and leadership shapes the entire system. Against this backdrop, the article examines the competition between the two institutions and the implications for the institutional structure of the European Union (EU). The authors use two theoretical models to examine six arenas of EU decision-making, which were shaped by either of the institutions or by joint action of both of them in the last ten years. The analysis shows that both European Parliament and European Council have had successes. Treaty provisions, the presence of crisis moments and the intra-institutional cohesion are key factors that influence success and failure in the institutional competition.


À lire ici:


Müller Gómez, J. &  Reiners, W. (2019) “Rivalität mit System? Zehn Jahre institutioneller Wettbewerb zwischen Europäischem Parlament und Europäischem Rat” (A Systemic Rivalry? Ten Years of Institutional Competition Between the European Parliament and the European Council), integration, 4/2019, 262-279.